Lesson 38b — Acts 2:40-44

Here are my full analysis worksheets. You may not need to bother looking at them.  But they are here if you want them.  They go along with my translation comments in the videos below.

Acts 2:40

Acts 2:41

Acts 2:42

Acts 2:43

Acts 2:44


Bob's Comments on Translating These Verses:  Things We Can Learn From Them

Acts 2:40

Acts 2:41

Acts 2:42

Acts 2:43

Acts 2:44



Here are some other words we have seen repeatedly in our translation work.


Progress Report

Lesson 38 closes out most of what I wanted to teach you about nouns, adjectives and pronouns.  We will continue translating whatever Luke sends us, of course.  But in terms of "extra grammar", it is all going to be about verbs, from here on.  Woohoo!

I estimate that we have covered roughly 36% of the content of a first year seminary Greek class.