Lesson 12.2 — Participles

Click on your best guess at how the participles in these sentences are formed, and what their function is.  The participle is in blue font.  Click on the buttons in the sentence to get clues as to what the other words of the sentence are in Greek.

Remember, participles embody two natures, noun-ishness and verb-ishness, and neither one acts completely independently of the other.  (Does that make this Binatarian Grammar?)


1:12  Then they returned to Jerusalem  called (τοῦ καλουμένου)   




1:13  They climbed to the upper room where they    staying (καταμένοντες).




1:14  They all   continuing (προσκαρτεροῦντες)together in prayer.




1:15  Peter stood up(ἀναστὰς) and  ....



1:17  Scripture foretold about Judas, who was a guide to those who arrested (τοῖς συλλαβοῦσιν) Jesus.



We will get plenty of practice rendering participles, as they seem to appear at least every couple of verses in Luke's writing...and sometimes more than once in a single verse.

Late Breaking News! 

I discover that Rob Plummer has a 43 minute video on Participles.  I haven't yet listened to him, but you and I may all try him out together to see if there is anything we can learn.

If Rob says one thing, and I say another, you should assume that he is right and I am wrong.
