Lesson 7.2 — English Grammar:  Verbs

Even before you learn how to recognize a Greek verb by its word formation, such as the various suffixes and prefixes of λύω, to loosen, untie, set free...

...it will help you to understand the function of verbs in sentences, and to understand the significance of person, number, tense, etc.

Look at these sentences, and select the buttons that describe the verb.  If you don't know, make your best guess. 

We have talked very little about the imperfect vs. the aorist, and not at all about the perfect tense.  You might choose to click on each of the options in verse 1.  I will illustrate how the sentence would change if the verb were changed.


Acts 1:1  I wrote about everything...






Acts 1:1  ...Jesus began to do and to teach.






Acts 1:1  ...Jesus began to do and to teach.






Acts 1:2  ...Jesus chose apostles.






The rest of these verses, I will continue to indicate correct and incorrect answers, but I will not comment on them extensively.

Acts 1:2  Jesus was taken up into heaven.






Acts 1:3  Jesus presented himself alive.






Acts 1:3  ...after his suffering.  (This one is tricky...a verb used as a noun.)






Acts 1:4  Jesus commanded them.






Acts 1:4  Jesus commanded them to not be separated from Jerusalem (by any other priorities).






Acts 1:4  Jesus commanded them to wait for the Father's promise.






Acts 1:4  Jesus said, "You already heard about the Father's promise from me."






Acts 1:5  John baptized you with water.






You are getting the sense from Luke's storytelling that if you guess 'aorist active indicative' you are going to be right much of the time...but not always! Let's carry on.

Acts 1:5  You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.






Acts 1:6  They began to ask Jesus, "Is this the time...?"






Acts 1:6  Is this the time that you will restore the Kingdom of Israel?






Acts 1:7  Jesus answered them....






Acts 1:7  It is not for you to know the times....






Acts 1:7  It is not for you to know the times....






Acts 1:7  The Father established the timelines by his own authority.






Acts 1:8  You will receive power.






Acts 1:8  You will be my witnesses.






Acts 1:9  Jesus was lifted up.






Acts 1:9  A cloud hid him from sight.






Acts 1:10  They were staring into the sky.






Acts 1:10  Two men were standing there beside them.






Acts 1:11  They said, "Men of Galilee...."






Acts 1:11  Why have you stood here?






Acts 1:11  Jesus will return.






Acts 1:11  Jesus will return the same way you saw him go.